Success stories:

  • Piloto Fibertel


    UNILEVER Latam


    Relationship Marketing Program


    Identify the most profitable household current and potential terms (heavy household) Building a database with a detailed survey of their habits and preferences.


    . The project covers 21 brands of Unilever, in 12 product categories.
    . Design and implementation of database marketing program.
    . Construction psicodemográficos analysis and segmentation of the database
    . Design and implementation of program-based Relationship Marketing communications and rewards for psicodemográficos profiles


    It tripled the expected results, obtaining detailed information on 500,000 households

  • Asepeyo


    Asepeyo Spain


    Acquisition Program


    Asepeyo, Mutual of Accidents and Occupational Diseases Social Security, wanted to grow in membership of autonomous work, led by the competition segment, thus requiring:
    . Develop a program of acquisition costs and unsupported dimension of its sales force
    . Choice and location of potential customers.


    . Strategy acquisition program through interactive media, email marketing, microsites, web sites.
    . Development, analysis and maintenance of the database of potential customers
    . Design and development of all communication of program
    . Monitoring, analysis and strategic redefinition


    Asepeyo has positioned itself as one of the Mutual of Accidents and Occupational Diseases Spanish market leader in the sector of self-employed segment profitably, and all at a low cost of acquiring high worker.

  • Jumbo


    Disco Argentina


    Relationship Marketing Program


    . Develop the first loyalty program in the Retail area of Argentina, for one of the major industry groups
    . Achieving an increase in group turnover of at least 5%
    . Achieve a participation of at least 50% of the tickets would within the program
    . Keeping costs within the projected budget for three years
    . Loyalty and to recognize the best customers, and attract new with these features


    . Strategic and Tactical Design progam
    . Development of financial models, ROI
    . Defining the strategy of awards
    . Defining models of redemption for three years of the program
    . Incremental LTV for first three years of the program
    . Campaign adhesion, activation
    . Advice on the design of the entire program communication, development, design and implementation of rewards catalog, email marketing, adehesión kit and POP material
    . Membership base construction, maintenance, marketing segmentation and data base
    . Development of standard operating procedures and training plan


    . It met all quantitative targets and budgetary
    . It exceeded expectations of increased sales in the first six months was achieved the support of 60% of customers to program
    . The average ticket partner is 90% higher than in non member
    . It currently has more than 2,700,000 of partners involved in the program.

  • Panrico


    Panrico España


    Relationship Marketing Programs


    The company number 1 in Spain in bread and sweet pastries, should reposition one of its leading products on the market.
    . Deepening the relationship with HEAVY CONSUMERS American products Donuts
    . Target: boys aged 10 to 19 years
    . Increased consumption
    . Presentation and test of new products
    . Find image closest to the target


    . Strategic planning
    . Development of the new image
    . Strategy interactive media (web, microsites, emailing)
    . Development of databases
    . Definition of financial models, projections. ROI
    . Training Plan, development of operational manuals
    . Creativity and development of interactive communications, email marketing, website and banners
    . Tracking and analysis


    . More than 800,000 consumers in the club
    . Increased average consumption of the partners
    . Channel presentation and testing of new flavors
    . Active participation of the target on brand web sites

  • Telegiros


    Telegiros España


    Loyalty program


    . Development of the first loyalty program in the field of money transfer to Spain, to one of the three largest companies worldwide. Keep the projected budget for the programs
    . Increase share in remittances
    . Customer loyalty: payer and agents, increased frequency and volume of shipments.


    . Strategy and Tactics of programs for payer B to C and B to B for Agents
    . Strategic and Tactical Design progam
    . Development of financial models, ROI
    . Defining strategy prizes
    . Defining models of redemption for three years of the program
    . Incremental LTV for the first three years of the program
    . Campaign adhesion, activation
    . Advice on the design of the entire program communication, development, design and implementation of rewards catalog, email marketing, adehesión kit and POP material
    . Membership base construction, maintenance, marketing segmentation and data base
    . Development of standard operating procedures and training plan


    . It met all objectives
    . Accurate Financial Forecasts
    . Adhesion and activation of over 70% of contractors and 90% of the agents
    . Increased shipping partners quarterly average
    . Cost of the campaign within budget

  • Telegiros
  • Current